Construction management from the home office - is that possible?

August 3, 2022

In the wake of both accelerated digitization and the Corona pandemic, there has been a rethinking of previous work structures in many industries. Last but not least, the home office is now indispensable for many employees, as it offers many other advantages besides health protection during the pandemic, enabling more efficient working. However, the potential of the home office is also opposed by some critical voices, especially in the construction industry. For example, the temporary absence of site managers from the construction site seems unthinkable to many. Is the presence of site managers really mandatory? We will show you what conditions you need to meet in order to exploit the potential of the home office and ensure future-oriented work.

Working digitally from a distance

For site managers, working on site has been indispensable up to now: Daily changes that need to be responded to, site tours that cannot be done digitally, and coordination of employees on the site. Complete absence of site management is of course impossible, but can certain activities be outsourced to the remote office? The answer is yes - with the right technical tools, such as oculai's automated construction documentation.

Administrative and repetitive tasks in particular can be processed regardless of location. These include, for example, tenders and contracts with trades, invoicing, cycle planning or documentation activities. Many site managers, such as Michael Freitag from Bittermann & Weiß, report in an interview with SWR that working from home is often much more productive. In addition, factors such as short commutes and a better work-life balance are becoming increasingly important, especially in view of the highly competitive labor market for construction managers.

How does oculai enable remote work?

Until now, it was still necessary to always have an eye on the construction site in order to be informed about the current processes. With oculai, the eye of the construction management is left to an AI that automatically records and documents all processes. The automated documentation of events on construction sites thus significantly relieves the construction management in the monitoring of construction processes. The data also serves to reduce the communication effort, for example, by making the target/actual progress available to everyone via a central platform and no longer having to be queried via telephone calls and meetings. Another major lever is live streams from a bird's eye view to keep an eye on storage areas, processes and deliveries.

How is oculai being used for remote work so far?

84% of oculai users state that remote work is made possible by the AI-supported live cameras. In many construction companies - whether small medium-sized enterprises or large corporations - oculai is therefore already used as a support for remote work. According to user information to date, up to two days of home office per week are possible. The important thing here is the scheduling of the upcoming acceptance rounds or meetings on site. However, everyone agrees on one point: a complete absence of the site management is currently impossible.

"I don't think that's possible."

We suggest: Take a look at the technology in practice. We would be happy to show you live in a short online appointment how the technology is used on other construction projects and find out together whether your projects are suitable for it. Click here to book an appointment.

Sarah Ciolacu